Tuesday, October 13, 2015


Runa came home the other day to tell us that there were two of them in the class that did not celebrate thanksgiving.  We never made a conscious choice; but it never quite happened for us.  Maybe because Joel's family is American or maybe because holidays were always a tightrope of tension, we did not celebrate as a couple.  As I have taken on my role as a metis woman I also feel more and more a wrongness to the celebration as it exists in our society, perhaps the church roots or maybe an overdose of the pilgram stories; it does not seem right.  I am working with my children to make thankfulness as part of everyday and not something set aside.  I also like that it gives them does of what others in our society, those who have come from far away might feel outside of these traditions we take for granted.  There is much I am thankful for. 

It is exciting to see changes in the US where some cities are no longer celebrating Columbus day and are now celebrating indigenous peoples.

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