Thursday, June 11, 2015

Hate Crime, beauty and dyslexia

Not feeling deep at the moment, so sort of grazing on thoughts like a gazelle.
Love Louie C.K.
On comparing yourself to others:
Here is the latest Canadian Hate Crime data.  I worked on this project a long time ago.  I am proud I got to be part of this.

I liked this piece showing all the different kinds of beauty.  I really appreciate that these pieces are very inclusive.

I am mentoring through the Dreamcatcher program.  It has been an interesting experience to share with someone you have never met.  My mentee asked me what books I would recommend.  It was an interesting process to think about what I would recommend to a teen.  I ended up with the following.  What books influenced you?

Sophie's world - a girl gets mysterious letters and learns about philosophy
Apex Hides the Hurt - a book about how things get labels and our own prejudices
Nation - who would you be if no one was around to see you?
The Female Eunuch - thinking about what it means to be a woman in this world
Crime and Punishment - this is not an easy read, but is a good book about what it means to be good
The other questions they asked was about where I find inspiration and for the first time I articulated that one of the places I am learning that inspires me a lot is my learning disabilities. Often I do not perceive things quite right the first time and the things that my brain fills in with are weird and sometimes fun. I am trying to enjoy weird that instead if letting it make me feel stressed that I am not getting something the same way someone else does.  Do you have "flaws" you need to look at in a new light too?

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