Monday, May 25, 2015

Crying in the elevator

I finished "As I Remember It" by Tara Lee Morin on my walk to work this morning and entered the elevator in tears.  This book uses short paragraphs that echo the staccato nature of the story, the fear of love, the endless moments of choices where the story could have gone so many other ways, the loss and moments of realness.  I think this would be a book that could trigger some people. 

The moment that really struck me was when she talked about going to Expo with her adopted parents.  I remember that summer so vividly.  Joel and I sometimes wonder if we passed in the crowds over that summer.  I felt that same alignment to the author only a year older than me, did I see that girl in the crowd?  Would I have looked down on her?  Would I have looked at her and envied her family with two parents together?

Thank you to these authors who put these difficult stories down and bare so much to us.  These stories give me so much to think about and to learn from.

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